Friday 18 March 2011

The Strangers Poster Analysis

'The Strangers' teaser posters are different but have similarities as well.
On the first poster I like how they have made it look like a newspaper clipping. And how it isn't in colour which shows that the film is going to be dark and disturbing. They also have made the title of the film big and bold whereas, one of the slogans they used is small about the killer characters head.
I like how they have used one of the killer characters as the main feature of this poster and have the other killer characters faded ghost like into the background. I think this will frighten the audience as the character they can see is holding a knife but if the look closely they will be able to see the other characters they need to be aware of.

With the second poster they used Live Tylers character when she is badly hurt and crawling. This shows the audience that something terrible and horrifying is going to happen during this film. However, nothing is giving away which draws in their audience and result in them going to the cinema. Once again they have made the title large and bold so that is stand outs.
I like how they have made the background a light colour which could be a tension builder as we know from the image that this film is going be dark however, the colour makes the sense that it isn't going to be that bad.
Underneath the title they have also let the audience know that the film was inspired by true events which immediately makes the film that more eerie and frightening.
I like the 3rd poster because they have put all of the five main characters onto the poster, the three killers whose masks you can see which makes the audience know that they are the characters that are in controll of the events that will happen during the film and the two victims who are facing the killers.
Also with this poster they have added the actors names of the victim characters so that the audience already feel sympathy towards them before knowing fully what happens to them.

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