Tuesday 15 March 2011


Today my group started editing the teaser trailer. Luckily we had filmed plenty of footage of the same many scenes. This meant that we had to cut and delete a lot of footage that we had filmed just to get it down to the time limit.
We still haven't added in the inter-titles which probably means we will have to shorten some of the other frame or discard them completely.
However, we have added the effects onto the correct frames, for example, we made a couple of the frames green to make them look like they are night vision. We also made the other frames darker so that it looks like we gathered the footage when it was late at night.

We haven't yet completed the editing of our teaser trailer but I believe that we will get the effects, transitions and inter-titles done in a couple of days.

We decided that the scenes where the killer is by themselves acting strange and bizzare should be in black and white to represent that the Killer isn't a stable character.

 The handheld footage that we have used, we changed the colour of the scenes to green to make it look like they are filming in night vision. However, we did also have to use a flash light effect so that we could see the characters faces.

For this scene we used a sepia, old film effect to make this scene look eerie

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