Friday 18 March 2011

The Ring Poster Analysis

The first 'The Ring' poster is something that we could use similarly for our ancillary tasks as they have used the evil character as their selling point in this poster.
The features of the evil character is also the feature of the poster that creates the fear and tension in the poster and let the audience know that this film is a horror.
I also like how the title of the film is extremely large and bold. As well the poster using the same theme throughout this poster of using different shades of blue, the charcater is a very light blue, the setting is a darker blue and the title is an even darker blue. Making all the features stand out from each other but work perfectly to attract their audience.

The second poster doesn't use and characters but it does use the image of the television set of how this character is supose to come out and kill her victims.
It also tell the audience the slogan, 'before you die. you see the ring' which they have combined with the title. I think that we should create a slogan as many horror genre posters and used one and it helps create the fear the audience feel before seeing the film.

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