Tuesday 15 March 2011

Empire Magazine Front Cover Research

Here I have started to research different ways Empire Magazine have created the front covers of certain issues. They are all different but also similar in many ways:

This 'Hellboy 2' preview front cover isn't of the same genre as our project this year however, we can always take some aspects of the font and style. For example, I like how the title 'Empire' is written as if it was on fire which keeps to the theme of hell. I think this would be a good idea for my group's own version of a media magazine title/ front cover.
I also like how the character of 'Hellboy' is positioned in the middle of the page and is enlarged to take up the entire cover. The fact that the characters is red will also attract an audience to the magazine and to the article inside about the up coming feature.

On this front cover of Empire Magazine I really like how they have used the colour green to outline different headings on the cover and also some of the font colour is green as well. I think this is clever as green and purple are the colours associated with 'The Joker'. The Dark Knight is a similar genre as my groups genre. Having the bad guy on the front of the cover draws the targets audiences attention to this certain character, as you can tell from his facial features that this character is the bad guy. We should use this for our front cover of a media magazine because throughout our trailer you see the Killer the most but don't know anything about them. This creating more tension between the characters and the audience.

With the 'Kick-Ass' front cover there are only a couple of things that I like about this is the fact that the title of the film is bigger, brighter and bolder then the magazine title name so then the audience is mainly aware of the title of the feature film. I also like how the character Dave Lizewski is centre of the page but also how Hit Girl and Big Daddy are placed around him but they are drawn as a cartoon to emphasise the comic book theme of the film.

I like how Empire Magazine have emphasised on Spiderman's hand which is bigger than the rest of the characters body because every knows that is where Spiderman's web comes from. The way that he is staring down his arm which looks like he is staring down into the audience/readers eyes which would attract someone to read the magazine/article. Once again i like how the title of the film is big and bold and how there is only one character mainly to focus on.

On all four front covers there isn't many different things happening that aren't linked to the picture on the page. I believe this helps the feature as well as the magazine because it shows the audience what the main feature is at a certain moment in time and what they should expect of the feature from the article's written about them inside the magazine.

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