Monday 21 March 2011

Certificate Rating

Here is a table that shows how films are giving their age rating. We used this table to help us gather what age rating our feature should be. I think that our film should be a certificate 15 this is because our film is a horror genre. Many other horror genre features like ours are rated 15 so this rating would be appropriate for our feature. Also some of our shots in the teaser trailer show violence which would not be suitable for under 15 year olds to view.
Today we took some photos of The Killer that we could use for our ancillary tasks. We used a digital camera to capture our pictures as this would mean they are better quality images and larger.

We decided to take some images that were similar to "The Uninvited'. With a character leaning against a window as this is off-putting and uneasy for the audience. Also we took some images where the killer is at different angles adn positions to see which would be best for our ancillary tasks.

With these two images we did a close up of the Killer's mask/face. Similar to 'Scream' and 'The Ring' as the audience only has one thing to focus on which happens to be the character that they should fear.

Friday 18 March 2011

More Poster Idea's

Once again here are another couple ideas for our poster. However, they are also snapshots from our teaser trailer so the quality of these images are not very good.
We have planned to take pictures using a digital camera to get better resolution images.

We decided to keep the images black and white. But copy and paste the killer standing in different areas of the same shot and reverse them so that the characters looked eerie and suspicious. The audience are left wondering whether there are a high number of killer characters or is it just one.
I don't believe we are using many aspects of these ideas just the black and white aspect of the image.

Font Idea's For Our Magazine

Here are some font styles and title font arrangement that we are thinking about using for our magazine front cover.

We have decided to create our own magazine for the fact that whilst doing research into magazine front covers, we found that the main media magazines do not feature horror genre films on their front cover
So we have decided to call our magazine 'Horror Review'. We thought about having our title similar to 'Total Magazine' so that the 'review' part of our title would be placed inside a section of 'Horror'. However, we decided that this isn't very eerie to use for a horror genre film magazine.

We decided to try fonts that seemed more gothic and eerie. For example, Franklin Gothic Demi and Rockwell.
We tried different ways of having the review placed at different areas of 'horror' and in a smaller size font and in a different colour to 'horror' this is so that the audience of our magazine know that our film is mainly going to have horror genre films feature in our magazine and that also our magazine will be full of different reviews and opinions of the new horror films thats are going to be released.

Our Poster Idea's

Here are a couple idea's for one of our ancillary tasks - the teaser poster. We thought that it would be really creepy to different to have stripes of colour of the same image on the top of a black and white image.
We tried different images and different sizes of stripes and different colours. We did think that the image looked different but it wasn't as tension building and as eerie as we would like.

Another problem was that these were just print screens from our main project - the teaser trailer. This meaning that the images are very low quality resulting in the poster not looking the best it could.

One Miss Call Poster Analysis

I really like 'One Missed Call''s teaser poster as it only has the creepy face of the evil character surrounded by a complete black background. This showing the audience all the features of the characters.
I also like how they have used a mouth and nose to create the eyes of the centre characters which is very eerie and frightening.

Once again, like many other horror genre posters, they have used a slogan to draw in thir audience and make them feel the fear as it gives the audience an idea of what the film is roughly going to be about.

The Ring Poster Analysis

The first 'The Ring' poster is something that we could use similarly for our ancillary tasks as they have used the evil character as their selling point in this poster.
The features of the evil character is also the feature of the poster that creates the fear and tension in the poster and let the audience know that this film is a horror.
I also like how the title of the film is extremely large and bold. As well the poster using the same theme throughout this poster of using different shades of blue, the charcater is a very light blue, the setting is a darker blue and the title is an even darker blue. Making all the features stand out from each other but work perfectly to attract their audience.

The second poster doesn't use and characters but it does use the image of the television set of how this character is supose to come out and kill her victims.
It also tell the audience the slogan, 'before you die. you see the ring' which they have combined with the title. I think that we should create a slogan as many horror genre posters and used one and it helps create the fear the audience feel before seeing the film.

The Haunting in Connecticut Poster Analysis

Both of these posters are dark and gothic with the black and brown backgrounds. Both of the posters use the same font  for the title and for the information giving to the audience. This film is also based on true events which the audience are told, this making the film already seem more frightening and terrifying before they have seen it.
However, the images are different. The 1st one is a distant picture of people round a table which creates confusion to what they are doing and how is represents the film. However, the second poster shows some sort of alien object coming out of a little boys mouth. This disturbing the audience and most likely horrifying them but this is also what will make them go see it in the cinema to see what the object is.

Shutter Island Poster Analysis

'Shutter Island' is more of a psychological thriller but I liked the poster that they created for this film.
For example, on the first poster I like how dark they have made the background and how some of the features on the characters face aren't completely visable. This create tension and fear as the audience don't fully know who this character is and what his aim in the film is going to be.
Also this poster uses a short slogan, 'someone is missing' but it has such an impact on the audience and we wonder who they mean and why they are missing. Creating more tension and fear.

The second poster is completely different to the first one as it is much lighter and less is happening of the feature.
I like how they have written a different slogan that is more related to the film and how it is placed as if it was really written on the white brick wall.

The Strangers Poster Analysis

'The Strangers' teaser posters are different but have similarities as well.
On the first poster I like how they have made it look like a newspaper clipping. And how it isn't in colour which shows that the film is going to be dark and disturbing. They also have made the title of the film big and bold whereas, one of the slogans they used is small about the killer characters head.
I like how they have used one of the killer characters as the main feature of this poster and have the other killer characters faded ghost like into the background. I think this will frighten the audience as the character they can see is holding a knife but if the look closely they will be able to see the other characters they need to be aware of.

With the second poster they used Live Tylers character when she is badly hurt and crawling. This shows the audience that something terrible and horrifying is going to happen during this film. However, nothing is giving away which draws in their audience and result in them going to the cinema. Once again they have made the title large and bold so that is stand outs.
I like how they have made the background a light colour which could be a tension builder as we know from the image that this film is going be dark however, the colour makes the sense that it isn't going to be that bad.
Underneath the title they have also let the audience know that the film was inspired by true events which immediately makes the film that more eerie and frightening.
I like the 3rd poster because they have put all of the five main characters onto the poster, the three killers whose masks you can see which makes the audience know that they are the characters that are in controll of the events that will happen during the film and the two victims who are facing the killers.
Also with this poster they have added the actors names of the victim characters so that the audience already feel sympathy towards them before knowing fully what happens to them.

Saw Poster's Analysis

Here are the 1st four teaser posters of the 1st four 'Saw' films. All four of them follow the same theme of having a white background and using human body parts as the main feature of the poster. This making the audience look but feel horrified which is what the poster aims because of what the films are about.
The 1st poster is the only one that shows the audience some of the actors that are featured in this film. I think this is because it was the first saw film so they had to attract their audience. Whereas, with the other pictures they just have to mention the name of the film and they would still attract their audience.

On all three posters, once again they don't have that much large information given that could distract the audience from the main feature of the poster. They mainly only have the title in a large font and a large image so that the audience can't miss it.
 I think they used this so that the audience understand that the killer character in these films is mentally ill and is very sadistic.

Final Destination Poster Analysis

Here I am going to analysise 'Final Destination' teaser posters.
On the first  poster I like how they haven't added too much information onto the poster so then the audience concentrate on the image, the slogan and the release date. Also with the 1st poster I like how they have the top half of the characters faces normal but the bottom half be just bone. I feel this makes the audience know that something bad is going to happen during this film.
With the 2nd poster, I find it clever how they use an image from a rollercoaster where the characters are screaming but it also could have a second meaning that creates suspense and tension for the audience. Also they have kept the same theme as the other poster by having some of the characters faces of the skull and others are normal. This poster also doesn't have that much information so than the audience can concentrate on the aspects that will scare them into wanting to see the film.

'The Blair Withc Project' Poster Analysis

Here are three different versions of teaser posters for the same film, 'The Blair Witch Project'.
On the first image i like how that have added information about the true events that the film is based of. As well I like how the image of the person is in black and white and is taking up half of the poster. I think that my group should use this effect to create suspense and the sense that our film is eerie.

On the second poster, I really like how there is only the photo of the woods that the film is set in and the symbol that is associated with the blair witch. The symbol is also in red which is the colour for blood so the audience can know from this project that something bad is going to happen to the characters.

In all three posters, they use the same text font and font size so that the audience can relate this font to this film. All three posters use the black and white effect in some aspects of the poster if not all.

The third poster has the bottom of the woodland area in colour which creates tension on the audience as it is unusual and suspicious. I think that my group should use this aspect of some aspects of our poster black and white and other aspects in colour.

Animated storyboard

Here is another version of an animated storyboard.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Magazine Cover Planning

Earlier I researched Empire Magazine front cover's however, I found that they don't often do horror genre films on the front page. Which is why I don't think it would be very realistic to use Empire Magazine. However, we were told that we could create our own media magazine to which our genre would be seen on the front cover.
This is why my group are planning to create a magazine that specailizes in covering horror genre films. The title of the magazine will most likely be something like 'Horror Media' or 'Horror Reviews'. The font will be similiar to Empire in the sense that it will be large and bold but we will chose a much more gothic font for the title.
We are also going to keep the theme of using the killer as our main unique selling point, that character will be used for the front cover as well as the teaser poster. We've decided to use the Killer as they are wearing a mask so don't give much away. The killer is also the most eerie, creepy character that will cause tension.
The Killer will be placed in the centre of the magazine cover and will most likely be a close up of the mask that they are wearing.
My group were thinking of putting the victims faces in the area of the masks eye slots so that we use all the characters but show the audience that the Killer is character to fear, this is abit like teaser poster image 'One Missed Call' used. 


Today my group started editing the teaser trailer. Luckily we had filmed plenty of footage of the same many scenes. This meant that we had to cut and delete a lot of footage that we had filmed just to get it down to the time limit.
We still haven't added in the inter-titles which probably means we will have to shorten some of the other frame or discard them completely.
However, we have added the effects onto the correct frames, for example, we made a couple of the frames green to make them look like they are night vision. We also made the other frames darker so that it looks like we gathered the footage when it was late at night.

We haven't yet completed the editing of our teaser trailer but I believe that we will get the effects, transitions and inter-titles done in a couple of days.

We decided that the scenes where the killer is by themselves acting strange and bizzare should be in black and white to represent that the Killer isn't a stable character.

 The handheld footage that we have used, we changed the colour of the scenes to green to make it look like they are filming in night vision. However, we did also have to use a flash light effect so that we could see the characters faces.

For this scene we used a sepia, old film effect to make this scene look eerie

Total Film Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Today I analysised Total Film Magazine front covers. Unfortunately, Total Magazine don't normal feature horror genre films on the front cover. Which is why my group are certain to just create our own magazine.

On this cover I really like how it i black and white. Which is different to the most common of magazine covers. I chose to analyse this front cover because my group were thinking about using the black and white theme as well.

On all three of the magazine front covers I really like how they have designed the font for the title of the magazine. We were thinking about doing something similar with having 'Horror' in a large font and 'Review' smaller that will be placed on or near the larger font.

Empire Magazine Front Cover Research

Here I have started to research different ways Empire Magazine have created the front covers of certain issues. They are all different but also similar in many ways:

This 'Hellboy 2' preview front cover isn't of the same genre as our project this year however, we can always take some aspects of the font and style. For example, I like how the title 'Empire' is written as if it was on fire which keeps to the theme of hell. I think this would be a good idea for my group's own version of a media magazine title/ front cover.
I also like how the character of 'Hellboy' is positioned in the middle of the page and is enlarged to take up the entire cover. The fact that the characters is red will also attract an audience to the magazine and to the article inside about the up coming feature.

On this front cover of Empire Magazine I really like how they have used the colour green to outline different headings on the cover and also some of the font colour is green as well. I think this is clever as green and purple are the colours associated with 'The Joker'. The Dark Knight is a similar genre as my groups genre. Having the bad guy on the front of the cover draws the targets audiences attention to this certain character, as you can tell from his facial features that this character is the bad guy. We should use this for our front cover of a media magazine because throughout our trailer you see the Killer the most but don't know anything about them. This creating more tension between the characters and the audience.

With the 'Kick-Ass' front cover there are only a couple of things that I like about this is the fact that the title of the film is bigger, brighter and bolder then the magazine title name so then the audience is mainly aware of the title of the feature film. I also like how the character Dave Lizewski is centre of the page but also how Hit Girl and Big Daddy are placed around him but they are drawn as a cartoon to emphasise the comic book theme of the film.

I like how Empire Magazine have emphasised on Spiderman's hand which is bigger than the rest of the characters body because every knows that is where Spiderman's web comes from. The way that he is staring down his arm which looks like he is staring down into the audience/readers eyes which would attract someone to read the magazine/article. Once again i like how the title of the film is big and bold and how there is only one character mainly to focus on.

On all four front covers there isn't many different things happening that aren't linked to the picture on the page. I believe this helps the feature as well as the magazine because it shows the audience what the main feature is at a certain moment in time and what they should expect of the feature from the article's written about them inside the magazine.