Tuesday 11 January 2011


Here the group & I used our lesson to create the script for our teaser trailer. We are using little dialogue as we wish to let the audience's susupense build throughout the trailer, making them want to know more. We created the script by going through each shot one by one and then putting in the dialouge where we thought it fitted after having a discussion about it.


Shot 2:

Alana: (scream) let go/please/help me (panic) (scramble)

Shot 3:

All girls synchronised chanting: and forgive us our tress passes, for we forgive those who trespass against us. (monotone whisper)

Shot 5:

Alana: (scream) let go/please/help me (panic) (scramble)

Shot 6:

Main Leader (Milly?): To join you must under go a series of tasks, to prove your strength only then can you show your commitment and worth.

Shot 7:

Killer (Laura): Thou shalt not kill.
Motions knife towards Alana’s ankle.

Shot 9:

All girls synchronised chanting: And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. (monotone whisper)

Shot 11:

Alana: (gurgled scream) I’m here.

The End.

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