Friday 14 January 2011

Questionnaire Results - Trailer Influences

My group created a questionnaire and we chose a random sample of people to participate. The questionnaire asked about trailers in general and then moved on to horror films and their trailers.

We found that nearly all of the participants hear about teaser trailers at the cinema. I think this is because more people are going to the cinema. Its also the way the media is advertising new films. Other participants heard through the Internet which is mainly due to social networking websites such as Facebook, Myspace and Youtube.

As you can see people are highly influences by teaser trailers. If you are drawn in to the trailer and believe that the film is going to be just as exciting then you go to the cinema to see the whole 2 hour film. However, some people watch trailers but don't go see the film because it doesn't interest them or they don't have the money to go.

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