Monday 29 November 2010

Setting Plan's

Hannah, Laura and I went to some woods that we thought would be a good area to film our project. We've decided to film most of our project in the woods as they are known for being eerie and scary at night. We thought about each scene, genre and theme of our project when we took the setting pictures.

This is a picture which shows how large the woodland area is. Also you cannot see anything through the trees which is what we need as our project is a horror genre and the secrecy and suspense from the location to make the audience feel uneasy.

We used this picture because this looks like a 'safe' area that characters from any horror film would use when they run and try to hide from the killer. Also at night this scene would be very eerie and off putting and the trees are crooked. There is also a tree trunk on the floor that would be a brilliant shot for when a character is running and falls over this prop.

I like this picture and would really like this type shot to be in our film as the you can see the pathway that has been created an the tree branch has mad a good arch way, for example a character could be running out of the woods which could create suspense for the audience as from the distance they won't know whether it is the killer or the victim.

This is a picture of a stream (which is rather deep) that is the woods. We took a picture of this because it would keep the audience on edge if they saw a character being chased by the killer through this river and getting caught of the barbwire that was luckily by the stream. I think that if this was in our project it would further emphasis the fact that we are doing a horror genre and would really catch the eye of the audience and make them feel uneasy and tense whilst they are watching our teaser trailer.

These are pictures for the very last scene where a character (Me) is hanging upside down in a tree. We decided to take pictures of a couple trees that 1. we thought would be simple to climb and hang from for safety reasons and 2. that looked creepy and would show how the character is feeling after the events she has just been through. But fortunately many trees are simple to climb. We want this film to be as realistic as possible.

This was something we found already created in the woods which thought we could use in our own project because of the fact that our storyline is based on a cult and religion. If the audience saw this wooden cross somewhere on our teaser trailer they would being to get suspicious of why it is there. Making the audience get more drawn in to the trailer and then want to watch the full film.

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