Friday 14 January 2011

.Questionnaire Results - Audience Preferences

These pie charts show us what horror films our audience enjoy and what they like to have included throughout a horror film.

Most of our participants watch horror films at home, this could be because they don't have to spend a lot of money at the cinema. Also with DVD's or videos you can pause, rewind or fast forward. However, our participants who go to the cinema probably go for the emmersive experience because the large screen and surround sound.

From our results you can see that people don't watch horror films very often which is why we are going to make our horror trailer exciting and tension building to draw an audience in. Although there are the people who love horror films and what one every week, these people are our target audience.

Our participants seem to enjoy supernatural and psychological films and not many like cult/religion horror films. Though we are creating a cult horror films we are planning to do a none stereotypical trailer, a different approach to the horror genre. Obviously our film isn't going to include supernatural beings or any gore.

Unfortunately our participants don't particularly enjoy watching religious/cult style horrors. However, the participants may not be people who enjoy horror films and are not our target audience. Also we are not planning on doing a normal religious/cult horror as we are bringing in the psychological aspect as well.

Here you can see that many people enjoy watching horror films that are based on true events. My group aren't doing a based on true events style horror however we are using characters who the audience can quickly relate to.

Here you can see that most of the participants that answered the questionnaire find handheld footage extremely frightening. This is brilliant for us as we are having our film as mainly handheld footage to create an emmersive experience or our audience and make them feel like they are sitting on e edge of their chair.

People prefer to have the stereotypical characters (blonde girl, male killer) because they are so use to seeing these type characters in horror films as they have grown up with them. However, 11 people said no which means that there are some people who want change in the characters which is what we are doing by having a female character.

As you can see from the pie chart above majority of our participants prefer to watch contemporary horror films mainly because they appeal to a certain age range because of the characters they use. However, some of the contemporary films may be re-makes of classic films such as 'The Nightmare on Elm Street'.

Here a high amount of participants like horror films mixed with other genres. However, this could be because some horror films can't be taken seriously with the over exaggeration of blood and violence which could be mistaken for a comical element.


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