Monday 17 January 2011

Different Shot Types For Killer Character

Below are some pictures of Laura (Character: Killer) at different angles, shots to see if we could make her seem more of the steroetypical killer so our target audience believe she is a male character and have a shock to discover the character is actually female.

However, we are planning on filming in Feburary Half Term (18th - 27th). Unfortunately during this time Paul, our 'stunt' double is away. Though we are still going to do the active scenes.

The two pictures above are different shots that show the killer. We would use these shots in different scenes. They're good shots as you can see what the character is looking at however, you can't see that the character is female which is what we want to be our USP.

Whereas these two pictures you can clearly see that the character is female but not the 'normal' girly girl which is what we wanted and why we chose Laura as the killer.

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