Tuesday 11 January 2011

Character Profiling

Alana (Myself) : I was chosen  for the character of the victim. I was chosen because my group thought that I look like the average teenager due to my clothes and hair. Also they said that I show emotion well so then the auidence can related when my character goes from weak to stron which is needed for our horror trailer.

Laura: Laura is going to be the killer. As Laura isn't the conventional killer stereotype.With the killer being a women we have created something new and unique which allows us to play around with the horror genre.

Milly: Milly is going to be the main leader of the popular cult. This is again not the stereotype as Milly is very feminine. The audience may be suprised that our characters are all female but then this creates suspense as of what each character is prepared to do throughout our horror film.

Hannah: Hannah will be playing the role of the best friend. However, she is only in one of the shots so that the audience are then worried for her character as they don't know what has happened to her. Hannah is a stereotypical character as she is blonde and pretty and in most horror genre's the blonde dies first.


Laura T: Laura T is Hannah's sister. She is going to be an extra as she isn't in much footage and doesn't have much dialogue. She is going to play one of the cult members which is stood round the bonfire.

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