Friday 28 January 2011

Paul - Character Comparison

Paul's character comparison is to the Scream Killer. As they are both conventional, stereotypical male killers. Both of the characters are going to wear a black hooded costume and a mask to hide their identity. However, Paul's characters mask is a theatrical silver mask that has a strange looking fixed smile on his face. This is mainly the only difference between Paul's character and the Scream Killer.

Alana - Character Comparison

My comparison is to Emily Browning because we are both of similar age, same hair colour and facial features. This is so that our target audience can relate to my character. Also with our characters both being of similar age our costumes are also similar as I will be wearing fashionable clothes of the season.
However, the character that I play is the victim that lives, Emily Browning's character is the victim but also the killer because of her mental condition. This is the contrast between our two characters.

Hannah - Character Comparison

I have made a comparison bewtween Hannah and Hayden Panettiere from Scream 4. As they both have similar looks, blonde hair and same height. They are both going to be main characters of the film which is another comparison.
Also the two characters are best friends with the strong character who survives. However, the only difference between these two characters is the fact that Hannah's characters disappears half way through whereas Hayden Panettiere's character is shown throughout the film, dealing with ways to stay alive.

Milly - Character Comparison

Milly is going to be our cult leader. However, Milly isn't a steroetypical cult leader as she is female. There isn't any one who has a stong comparison to Milly. Although there are characters which the character she plays is the comparison.
For example, the leader from The strangers, both of the characters will be skillful, smart and hide their identity the whole way through the film. However, Milly isn't the murderer in our film and in The Strangers that character is.

Filming Schedule

Today we created the filming schedule of when and where each scene is going to be shot. This is so that we are more organised and have everything prepared for that days worth of filming. For example, having the correct props, make-up, costumes. This also allows us to have time setting up the mise-en-scene of each scene correctly.

Unfortunate Events

Unfortunately, due to some recent events Laura isn't going to be the killer character because she has broken her foot and will not be able to do most of the scenes. So we have decided that Paul (who was originally going to just be the 'stunt' double) is now going to play the character troughout the whole of filming.
As Paul is going to be our killer character we have changed the date of filming from the half term to the 11th and 12th of February.

With Paul being our killer our film is now going to be a stereotypical horror film with the butch male killer, the 'dumb' blonde who dies first and the one character who has the strenght to survive.

Monday 17 January 2011

Music Planning

There are lots of different websites that we can use for non-copy right music. The best website that I believe we should use is as it is user friendly.
You can also search for different aspects of the type of music you want; for example we would search for dark and eerie. Or you can search for the instruments you want; such as piano and violin.

Other websites don't have as many non-copyright music aren't as easily used for finding the right genre of music we need for our film.

Setting & Filming Plans

We are planning on filming most of our footage in Tadworth as this is where Hannah lives. This helps as we will be using Hannah's bedroom for the kidnapping scene which will show a real teenage bedroom and the audience would be able to relate to the character.
Also behind her house is woodland area which is great for the dark, eerie, frightening scenes to be shot and not be far away from adults just in case we need any help.
Hannah's back-garden is fairly big which allows us to have the size bonfire we wish for to create the effect that the clan is fairly strong willed by its followers.

Filming can only happen during the dusk/night time as the natural lighten will create its own effect of edginess for the audience.

Prop Moodboard

Here is a moodboard of the different props that we are going to be using throughout the teaser trailer. We are mainly using the same props however, there are going to be on-scene props such as trees, bonfire materials and the bedroom etc. This is to keep continuity and to make the film seem more realistic.

Different Shot Types For Killer Character

Below are some pictures of Laura (Character: Killer) at different angles, shots to see if we could make her seem more of the steroetypical killer so our target audience believe she is a male character and have a shock to discover the character is actually female.

However, we are planning on filming in Feburary Half Term (18th - 27th). Unfortunately during this time Paul, our 'stunt' double is away. Though we are still going to do the active scenes.

The two pictures above are different shots that show the killer. We would use these shots in different scenes. They're good shots as you can see what the character is looking at however, you can't see that the character is female which is what we want to be our USP.

Whereas these two pictures you can clearly see that the character is female but not the 'normal' girly girl which is what we wanted and why we chose Laura as the killer.

Friday 14 January 2011

.Questionnaire Results - Audience Preferences

These pie charts show us what horror films our audience enjoy and what they like to have included throughout a horror film.

Most of our participants watch horror films at home, this could be because they don't have to spend a lot of money at the cinema. Also with DVD's or videos you can pause, rewind or fast forward. However, our participants who go to the cinema probably go for the emmersive experience because the large screen and surround sound.

From our results you can see that people don't watch horror films very often which is why we are going to make our horror trailer exciting and tension building to draw an audience in. Although there are the people who love horror films and what one every week, these people are our target audience.

Our participants seem to enjoy supernatural and psychological films and not many like cult/religion horror films. Though we are creating a cult horror films we are planning to do a none stereotypical trailer, a different approach to the horror genre. Obviously our film isn't going to include supernatural beings or any gore.

Unfortunately our participants don't particularly enjoy watching religious/cult style horrors. However, the participants may not be people who enjoy horror films and are not our target audience. Also we are not planning on doing a normal religious/cult horror as we are bringing in the psychological aspect as well.

Here you can see that many people enjoy watching horror films that are based on true events. My group aren't doing a based on true events style horror however we are using characters who the audience can quickly relate to.

Here you can see that most of the participants that answered the questionnaire find handheld footage extremely frightening. This is brilliant for us as we are having our film as mainly handheld footage to create an emmersive experience or our audience and make them feel like they are sitting on e edge of their chair.

People prefer to have the stereotypical characters (blonde girl, male killer) because they are so use to seeing these type characters in horror films as they have grown up with them. However, 11 people said no which means that there are some people who want change in the characters which is what we are doing by having a female character.

As you can see from the pie chart above majority of our participants prefer to watch contemporary horror films mainly because they appeal to a certain age range because of the characters they use. However, some of the contemporary films may be re-makes of classic films such as 'The Nightmare on Elm Street'.

Here a high amount of participants like horror films mixed with other genres. However, this could be because some horror films can't be taken seriously with the over exaggeration of blood and violence which could be mistaken for a comical element.


Questionnaire Results - Trailer Influences

My group created a questionnaire and we chose a random sample of people to participate. The questionnaire asked about trailers in general and then moved on to horror films and their trailers.

We found that nearly all of the participants hear about teaser trailers at the cinema. I think this is because more people are going to the cinema. Its also the way the media is advertising new films. Other participants heard through the Internet which is mainly due to social networking websites such as Facebook, Myspace and Youtube.

As you can see people are highly influences by teaser trailers. If you are drawn in to the trailer and believe that the film is going to be just as exciting then you go to the cinema to see the whole 2 hour film. However, some people watch trailers but don't go see the film because it doesn't interest them or they don't have the money to go.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Costume Moodboard

This is a moodboard of different types of capes. Most of them are black because that is the stereotypical colour for a cape.. However, I think that a red coloured cape would also be good as red suggests death and blood which will work well for our horrow genre.
The capes with the pointed hoods I think would be best for our film as the audience would associated them with the Grim Reaper (Death) which will frighten the audience and keep them on edge throughout the trailer/film.

Character Profiling

Alana (Myself) : I was chosen  for the character of the victim. I was chosen because my group thought that I look like the average teenager due to my clothes and hair. Also they said that I show emotion well so then the auidence can related when my character goes from weak to stron which is needed for our horror trailer.

Laura: Laura is going to be the killer. As Laura isn't the conventional killer stereotype.With the killer being a women we have created something new and unique which allows us to play around with the horror genre.

Milly: Milly is going to be the main leader of the popular cult. This is again not the stereotype as Milly is very feminine. The audience may be suprised that our characters are all female but then this creates suspense as of what each character is prepared to do throughout our horror film.

Hannah: Hannah will be playing the role of the best friend. However, she is only in one of the shots so that the audience are then worried for her character as they don't know what has happened to her. Hannah is a stereotypical character as she is blonde and pretty and in most horror genre's the blonde dies first.


Laura T: Laura T is Hannah's sister. She is going to be an extra as she isn't in much footage and doesn't have much dialogue. She is going to play one of the cult members which is stood round the bonfire.


Here the group & I used our lesson to create the script for our teaser trailer. We are using little dialogue as we wish to let the audience's susupense build throughout the trailer, making them want to know more. We created the script by going through each shot one by one and then putting in the dialouge where we thought it fitted after having a discussion about it.


Shot 2:

Alana: (scream) let go/please/help me (panic) (scramble)

Shot 3:

All girls synchronised chanting: and forgive us our tress passes, for we forgive those who trespass against us. (monotone whisper)

Shot 5:

Alana: (scream) let go/please/help me (panic) (scramble)

Shot 6:

Main Leader (Milly?): To join you must under go a series of tasks, to prove your strength only then can you show your commitment and worth.

Shot 7:

Killer (Laura): Thou shalt not kill.
Motions knife towards Alana’s ankle.

Shot 9:

All girls synchronised chanting: And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. (monotone whisper)

Shot 11:

Alana: (gurgled scream) I’m here.

The End.