Friday 26 November 2010

Shot List

This is the shot list of my groups teaser trailer. We created this list whilst we were looking at our story board so it may be easier to refer to out story board whilst reading this shot list.

  • Shot 1: A long shot where the camera is going to be placed on a tripod to make the shot clearer. Also this shot is going to be a cantered angle to make the killer look disturbed and make the audience feel frightened and uneasy. This shot is of Laura (who is the killer) seem like she is moving around fast but the camera is going to be situated on a single spot and Laura is the person actually moving so then continuity is fairly the same.
  • Shot 2: This is going to be a mid-shot of a girl being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night. As the shot will not let the audiece see who is dragging the girl this will create suspense and uneasiness.
  • Shot 3: This is going to be a low angle shot to make the 5 girls around a huge bonfire seem that they are superior (which they are as they are the leader of this supersticious cult). This makes the audience feel that they are small in comparison to these 5 cult leaders. Over the top of this shot there is going to be a non-diagetic voice over of the Lord's Prayer.
  • Shot 4: Having this shot a high angle, crane shot will show the audience a piece of paper being passed towards the leader of the cult. On the piece of paper 'I want to join' is going to be written on it.
  • Shot 5: This is going to be a close up of my face whilst im being dragged through the mud. We will then zoom out from my face to a mid shot to show the audience that my character is being dragged through the woods in her pyjama's. This is also going to be silent and slow mo
  • Shot 6: This is a close up of the main leader of the cult and telling the girls who are trying to join hat tasks they are going to have to do to be considered a member.
  • Shot 7: A two-shot of the killer (Laura) and showing the audience that she is holding a weapon and that she has got hold of one of the girls by the leg. We are going to make this shot slow mo when Laura brings the knife round.
  • Shot 8: Intertitle.
  • Shot 9: Repeat of shot 3 but a different section of the Lord's Prayer.
  • Shot 10: Intertitle.
  • Shot 11: A close up of myself at a cantered angle upside down in a tree. The characters face will have different types of injuries. To begin with her eyes will be closed. Then I will quickly open them and take in a large breath.
  • Shot 12: Intertitle.

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