Tuesday 2 November 2010

Rough Plot Line

The plot line at the moment of my main project is that the film is going to be a horror which is based around a clan of girls who created a secret organisation which celebrates evil and the Devil. The girls that wish to join the clan must endure several initiation tasks that they must survive.
The final 3 have to go through the worst task out of the 7 which is placed in the woods where the clan meet to do their riturals.
The girls are 'kidnapped' from their houses and dragged out of bed with a sack over their head to stop them from seeing who has taken them and where they are going.

(This then makes the audience think that the girls are being taken by the killer not the leaders of the clan)
Whilst the task is happening in the woods, the girls are slowly being attacked by the killer one by one. However, they believe they are being followed, at first, by someone from the clan they are wishing to join.
At the end, all of the clan members die apart from one girl who was doing the last iniation task. The killer reveals her identity to this girl who is hanging from a tree as the killer thinks she will die. Revealing that the killer is of course female and someone who was not allowed to become a clan member and has been plotting her revenge for a while

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