Wednesday 3 November 2010

Saw 6 Trailer

Saw 6 is another horror genre film that is another psychological thriller that has a lot of gore.The film is about a killer called Jigsaw who kidnaps different types of people who he believes needs to learn a lesson or someone he has a grudge against. Jigsaw holds them captive in an abandoned house and puts six people under many cruel different tasks which they’ll either survive or be killed by.The target audience would be adults who have seen the many other prequels to this film.The music intense and mainly uses percussions and string instruments to create suspense and tension to what the audience is viewing throughout the teaser trailer.The footage that is shown has been editing into a CGI replica of the house that these people are trapped in. It shows them on different televisions, projectors. This shows that audience that the killer, Jigsaw watches them while he puts them under these tests and that maybe the television sets are of some sort of significant.The pace of the trailer is quite fast as it is only 50 seconds long and it tries to show the audience the area that the victims are placed in to create tension and fear for these characters. It also introduces some of the victims but not the killer.Only a little bit of dialogue is used, ‘I’m going to help you’. Showing us as the audience that these characters are going under some very frightening tests that they are willing to help each other. Also you hear the screams of the characters which emphasises the fact that the tasks are difficult and it transfers the fear from the characters to the audience. These making the audience feel uneasy.The only special effects used are the CGI replica of the house that Jigsaw is keeping these characters hidden from the rest of the world.The inter-titles at the beginning tell the audience that there are only ‘6 chances’ for the characters to live and ‘6 lessons’ that the characters have to learn and ‘6 choices’ these characters are going to have to make.
At the end the audience are told the name of the film on large, bold lettering which is quickly removed to show the release date of the film which is Halloween.
The USP would be that there have been so many prequels that the director believes his audience would not miss out on the 6th addition to his collection of films.

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