Friday 15 October 2010

Analysis of 'The Haunting in Therfield' Preliminary task

Our preliminary task, ‘The Haunting of Therfield’ we tried to achieve a horror genre feature based of ghost and mysterious happenings. We wanted the feature to be eerie and suspense building so then the audience would be on the edge of their seats.
‘The Haunting of Therfield’ isn’t a stereotypical horror genre feature as everything that would scare our audience happens during the day, for example, a girl who has a mysterious feature with her eye and stares creepily straight down the camera breaking the barrier.

At the beginning of our preliminary task is of a whiteboard suddenly being released from its position to reveal the phrase, ‘It’s Time’. Its written as if it was scribbled on the whiteboard and in red bold marker to make the audience feel uneasy to what is about to come and wonder who or what it could be that is going to cause the strange haunting of this school. However, when you watch our preliminary task from our video link you cannot see what is written on the board but we could see it whilst we were editing all of it together. This is something we should think about when we are doing our final project Teaser Trailer.
The next shot is an inter-title of the name of our preliminary task which we decided to use a black background and white font so then it stood out to the audience. We also made the written have an effect of being typed across the screen to emphasise that everything is happening to this particular school. Over the top of this clip we emphasised the heartbeat of the non-diagetic music which we hope would represent the audience’s feelings but also the heartbeat of the characters who are scared of what is happening around them.
After the inter-title we have a zoom in on the girl character in the toilet who to begin with looks like a normal student but then we have a close up of her eye which is completely white. This is to give the audience a chill. The effect that we used also made the shot more eerie as the swaying could be interpreted as the ‘ghost’ that is haunting the school affecting the way the audience would watch the feature.
We added in a ‘White Noise’ feature into our preliminary task which is repeated a couple of times but is only on the screen for a few seconds as many horror genre features are quick and jumpy. We also quickly cut in a close up of the girl’s eye once again, which just flashes upon the screen to make the film and school seem more eerie and mysterious than the audience probably would of first thought.
We then added another inter-title which says ‘The Lessons Begun’. We decided to add a slogan into the feature to make the audience wonder what type lesson the students at this school are going to have to undertake. The phrase is repeated many times to cause uneasiness and it is also in two font colours, white and red. We chose red because this is the colour for blood and hatred.
We ended the feature by running another sequence of the white noise which is to create suspense to what else is going to happen throughout the film.
Throughout the feature we used the same non-diagetic music to furthermore increase the eeriness, suspense and mystery to our film.

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