Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation: What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

Our teaser trailer doesn't remind me of just one trailer as we have used different aspects of other horror teaser trailers, we used aspects from 'Scream' and 'The Strangers' for the footage and close ups of the Killer in the mask. And we also used aspects from 'The Blair Witch Project' with the hand held footage and the night vision effect. However, we also did use our own imaginations (ie. having the footage sped up and rewound at the end to make the audience feel confused and uneasy).

The strengths of our teaser trailer that I think are:
  • The speed of the frames create the confusing and create the montage of the events that the audience will be witnessing throughout our product. I think this is a strength because this emphasises the tension and suspense that we were wanting to impact our audience with.
  • Another strength is the way we did the inter-titles. The inter-titles that say 'The Haunting Of Therfield' and 'Don't Cross The Line..' These inter-titles quickly flash on to the screen and then re-appear so that the audience can read them. The fact that they quickly flash on makes the audience confused to whether they were supposed to be like that but then because they re-appear the audience feel slightly better.
  • Our teaser trailer is an original narrative as we haven't used any other type of footage or scenes from another horror genre film.
The weaknesses of our teaser trailer that I think are:
  • I think that the main weakness of our teaser trailer is that the music of our production company is too loud and doesn't fit well with our non-diagetic music of the trailer. The sound from the production company is completely different to our own choice of music, this throws off the audience of the eeriness and mystery of the teaser trailer.
  • Another weakness is the scenes that we used with the dog. This is because you can see the hand of the Killer making the dog growl. However, this does make the audience feel uneasy and nervous and it shows that the Killer is inside someones house.
Audience feedback from social networking sites:
  • 'Its really good guys well done, just one thing is that the trailer doesnt really tell you anything about the film like any plot or anything its all very vague?'
  • 'I like the bit with the writing, where it looks like she is erasing it. I thought it was really effective as it could show the character is trying to erase her actions. I also liked the contrast between the Black and White colour scenes and the Coloured scenes.
  • 'good bits:
    ambiguous plot, makes people want to find out more
    editing is really quick by the end which makes it really exciting? idk its cool :)
    the reverse thing is really cool & memorable :)
    i liked the nightvision & how you can only just see the person in the background, tis creeeepy
    i liked the jumpy bit with the murderer (where they move really suddenly)
    maybe its a little too vaigue, but tis no biggie'
  • 'Overall this is a really good video. It's really well put together and I think that the quick editing works really well with the horror genre. The green night vision effect looks really creepy. Also the fact that you've made Hannah and Milly smile and act normal makes it seem even scarier, in the sense that it could happen to ANYONE. The music fits in really well and adds a really creepy effect to the whole video. The only negative comment I have is that I feel in places, the plot isn't clear.'

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