Tuesday 22 February 2011

The Ring Audience Profile

'The Ring' audience profile is similar to 'The Strangers' in the fact that more females went to see this film. However, the majority of the audience who went to see this film were 25-45+ meaning that this film attracted young adults and older adults. This could be because of the age rating which means that teenagers would not of been allowed to go this film. Whereas, 'The Strangers' was rated a 15 certificate.

The Strangers Audience Profile

Above is the audience profile for the horror movie 'The Strangers'. As you can see that 20% more females went to go see this film which could be because of the actors that are in this film. The majority of the audience were between 15-34 which shows that horror films are more enjoyed by teenagers and young adults. This is why we should make our horror film appeal to this age range.

Friday 18 February 2011

Production Company Choice

My group and I have decided to use legendary pictures as our production company because they are known to have done many different types of horror genre films, including 'Saw' and 'Trick 'r Treat', and as our feature is a horror genre we thought it would be best to use this production company.

Release Dates Of Horror Genre Films

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Filming the woods scene

This morning we filmed the section of our teaser trailer where the main character Amelia is being dragged through the woods and then hung upside down the tree. We filmed all all of the scenes where Amelia would be covered in mud on the same day so that the continuity would be easy to keep the same. We made sure that Amelia's costume was the same from her first scene of being dragged through the mud and her next scene of lying down high up in a tree.
We filmed the mud scene to begin with so that Amelia's costume would have the correct continuity of the mud on her. Also we filmed both scenes many different times from different angles and different types of camera shots. This was so that we had as much footage as possible to make sure that nothing was missed out and so that we had plenty of footage to cut and edit.

Monday 14 February 2011

Character Profiling Change

Once again we have had to change our actors to the characters. Instead of Paul being the Killer it is now I, Alana and Amelia shall be playing the role of the victim. Who has the scenes of being dragged through mud and lying injured in a tree. I was chosen to replace Paul as the killer because I am able to drag Amelia and hold her safetly in a tree.
This complication hasn't caused any problems with our filming or changing our storyline or storyboard as I will just be dressed in all black so my gender appears to be unknown.

We are going to be filming some more of our media tomorrow.